


  • 四季のための音楽

ジャンル アンビエント(Ambient)


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四季のための音楽 収録曲



What are the four seasons? These days the four seasons seem to be out of sorts. One day there are reports of snow in Hawai’i. And the next day we hear that forest fires in Siberia could not be contained…
What has happened to the seasons? Everyone has their own memories of the four seasons and what they were like in the past. This album is an attempt to evoke our delicate memories of the four seasons we lived and breathed in when we were young.

The Coastal Town
Spring for some people conjures up images of small, colorful flowers blooming on a hilly slope. My childhood home was in a coastal area, so spring, for me, meant a lot of time spent playing by the riverside collecting shells and clams. One of my earliest memories is that of listening to the sound of waves coming from far away where the river meets the sea as my eyes followed a small flounder swimming gracefully in the clear, shimmering water under the warm spring sun.

Symphony of the Frogs
When rice seedlings are planted and the fields are flooded with water in June, thousands of tiny, green frogs appear out of nowhere and start a symphony of songs night after night, like a Gregorian chant praying for a good harvest.

There are two types of fireflies. One is Genji-botaru, and another is Heike-botaru. Whenever I see fireflies, I think of summer visits to my grandmother’s little house in the countryside when I was a child. Her house was beside a creek and we would be treated to a dazzling show of dancing fireflies at night. I often wonder whether they were Genji or Heike. But alas, life is impermanent –grandma, her house and the fireflies are sadly no longer around. Do you know of any creek near your house where you can see fireflies?

Summer Competition – Raccoons’ Party
In the height of summer, you frequently hear two types of percussion music in Tokushima where I live. One comes from Awa-odori, the traditional folk dance that reaches a feverous pitch around mid-August when the annual street festival is held. The other comes from high school brass bands practicing to support their home teams in the summer national baseball competition. Amid all this noise and excitement in the human world, tanuki, the local raccoons, are enjoying their slow sake party in the hills as if they are telling the human beings in town,“No need to hurry. Make time to enjoy life.”

寺の鐘とカラスの鳴き声といえば秋の風物詩。お遍路で有名な徳島には八十八か所ある巡礼の寺のうち、最初の23のお寺があります。そのうちの一番札所霊山寺から五番札所地蔵寺までの鐘の音をフィールドレコーディングで採取しました。鐘の余韻にしみじみと浸ってください。採録 霊山寺 極楽寺 金泉寺 大日寺 地蔵寺
Autumn Sky
The sound of temple gongs tolling followed by the cries of crows is one of the classic poetic descriptions of autumn in Japan. The first 23 temples on the Shikoku 88-temple Pilgrimage are located in Tokushima. This track features the sounds of gongs in the first 5 temples -Ryozenji, Gokurakuji, Konsenji, Dainichiji and Jizoji.

As fallen leaves and acorns pile up on the forest floor in late autumn, the inhabitants of the forest scurry about busily preparing for the coming winter. After they have eaten their full, they get sleepy, real sleepy, and burrow down for a long winter slumber.

Frozen River
Seeping out of seemingly nowhere, the water gathers and gradually forms a river at the foot of the mountains. But even a big river gets frozen on a freezing cold day. When spring returns to earth and warm sunlight melts the surface of the frozen river, the water becomes energetic and continues on its journey to the sea. Nature goes through its cycle of seasons in this way, as it did last year and the year before.